นิทรรศการ "ฉันเป็นตัวนำหญิง (แต่ฉันไม่ใช่นางเอก) : I AM A FEMININE PROTAGONIST"
นิทรรศการ "ฉันเป็นตัวนำหญิง (แต่ฉันไม่ใช่นางเอก) : I AM A FEMININE PROTAGONIST" ผลงานโดย กมลรส วงศ์อุทุม (Kamolros Wonguthum) จัดแสดงระหว่างวันที่ 21 ตุลาคม - 2 ธันวาคม 2560 และจะมีพิธีเปิดในวันที่ 21 ตุลาคม 2560 เวลา 18.00 น. ณ แกลเลอรี่เว่อร์ : Gallery VER
I AM A FEMININE PROTAGONIST / ฉันเป็นตัวนำหญิง(แต่ฉันไม่ใช่นางเอก)
A solo exhibition by Kamolros Wonguthum
VER Gallery project room
21 October – 2 December 2017
Opening reception: 21st October 2017, 6pm onwardsSetting: Bangkok, Thailand
The humorous man once said women in sexy clothes are like unwrapped candy
Let us consider his attitude towards femininity
Let us consider why he is so funnyI AM A FEMININE PROTAGONIST: is my solution addressing gendered-stereotypes and their hierarchies
I AM A FEMININE PROTAGONIST: is the act of emancipation by acknowledging entrenched power systems
I AM A FEMININE PROTAGONIST: is narrating subjectivity away from victimisation
I AM A FEMININE PROTAGONIST: proposes the development of the feminine as both subjective and objective
Kamolros Wonguthum, (b. 1992 Bangkok, Thailand) is based in London and recently graduated from MFA Fine Art at Goldsmiths University. Raised in Bangkok, she observed how the outsider created stereotypes towards women in her hometown. To tackle this false clichéd stereotype, she began using autobiographical methods, giving a voice from the inside-out in contrast of how these stereotypes functioned. “My feminine approach towards structures of power employs an autobiographical practice, in not victimizing my use of personal narrative; I want to empower social values of emancipation and concepts that are possibly considered vulnerabilities.”
For press enquiries and more information, please contact galleryver@gmail.com / +66 2 103 4067